La sostenibilità come scelta di vita
Sitting on the steps behind the house, we have everything we need to live a life. We are surrounded by sun, wind, other people, buildings, stones, sea, birds and plants. Cooperating with all these things brings harmony, competing against them brings disaster and chaos.
Bill Mollison
In the summer of 2018, after attending the Permaculture Design Course (PDC), we started a Permaculture Experimental Center here in San Donato in Bellaria, on the green hills of Chianni, in the province of Pisa. This is a new project whose goal is to achieve self-sustainability and resilience as well as promote natural farming techniques. To this end, we are collaborating with universities and research centers to carry out field research and then share the results of such research through specific courses and meetings.
Starting from 2018 we started planting new vineyards on the terraces with dry stone walls.

A vegetable garden created with the "lasagna" layer technique and planted with ancient varieties of seasonal and perennial edible plants, within which no synthetic chemical product or chemical fertilizer is used.
This is a productive reforestation planted in 2018 following the deforestation of maritime pines carried out by the Tuscany Region and made necessary due to the infestation of the parasite Matsucoccus Feytaudi.
Here a combination of over 100 tree species, fruit trees, shrubs, berries and vegetables have been planted, selected and planted, according to the principles of Successive Agroforestry and Permaculture.
All the species are cultivated without any use of chemical treatments and without tillage. Only treatments based on microorganisms and organic mulching with material from the same site are used.

Let's describe it